The Chrysanthemums Show
The Chrysanthemums Show of Chandigarh is quite a popular flower show which is being organized every year at Terraced garden in Sector 33 of the city. The fair is usually organized in December. In the Chrysanthemums flower show of Chandigarh, one can find unique and beautiful varieties of flowers. The show organizes several competitions which are related to gardening and people from different cities participate as gardeners here. The Chrysanthemums Show has increasingly drawn more people every year. The flower show is very much popular among the people living in and within the vicinity of Chandigarh and has gained much of momentum.
As mentioned before, this fair is held in December and hence due to the winter season in December, one can get to see a variety of beautiful flowers which would take one’s breath away through their mind blowing fragrances.
This show dates back to 10 years. From all through these years, this show has become immensely popular and people from distant places also gather here for witnessing these spectacular flowers.
The show has therefore gained momentum. At present, Chandigarh boasts of having the best flower show organized in India.
The mind blowing flower show which is held annually in December was organized from 9th December to 11th December this year. People take out time from their busy schedules for this flower show and draw pleasure of seeing those flowers which are hardly seen in usual days. The Chrysanthemum Flowers also called as Guldaudi comprises of varieties of flowers with different colors. One can see almost over 264 varieties of flowers displayed during this show.
It is held every year by the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh in the month of December.
Apart from the locals of Chandigarh, the participants from almost all corners of country gather here for enjoying the Chrysanthemums Show. The people organize several events as well as competitions in this show.
Activities such as flower arrangement, gardening and other creativity competitions are organized.
People who are fond of flowers attend the festival and display their own flowers. One can get to see beautiful flowers of red, maroon and yellow chrysanthemums. About 100 varieties of Chrysanthemums as well as 13000 pots having full bloomed flowers are displayed in this amazing festival.
The variety of flowers exhibited here is amazing. Few of the Chrysanthemums seen here are spiders, footballs and pom poms etc.
How to Reach Here
By Air
Chandigarh consists of an airport merely 11kms away from the center of the city. The Indian Airlines has a great connectivity with prominent cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Amritsar and Jammu.
By Train
The network of rail also serves the city very well. The Railway Station of Chandigarh is just 8kms from the center of city. The prominent trains such as the Shatabdi Express as well as Himalayan Queen run here.
By Road
The city of Chandigarh boasts of a great network of roads. It has a very well developed connectivity through motor cars with a large number of cities of the North India. The National Highways 21 as well as 22 pass across the city.
When & Where is it Celebrated?
The Chrysanthemums Show is held annually in December. The venue for the show is Terraced Garden in Sector 33 of Chandigarh.
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